Political technologies, elections in Russia

Political technologies

Doubling of elections' results in the Internet

The demand in FSI FIIO: 2009122552/031141 from 15.06.2009

It is quite possible to provide the checking of the information's reliability on a Russian citizen's choice of the candidate. We mean the following: It is necessary to create a website (database in the Internet) where the information about the choice of one or another voter would be placed.
On those voter-papers there should be made columns of responders' data which after being completed by them will show the agreement of a responder to expose his choice at this given website. At the beginning the number of those who want to demonstrate their choice will be no more than 50% but this amount will be definitely growing with every elections, if only the government doesn't put pressure on a voter for his choice.

Anyone will be able to see for whom one or another voter gave his vote providing the Last, First and Middle name, as well as the date and the birthplace of a respondent.
Those organizations checking the results of the elections need to make a call to a respondent only and compare his choice with oficial results.
Only then enormous manipulations with votes of those citizens who don't participate in the elections will become impossible and we will be able to assert the democracy of the regimen.


Sociological survey and elections via mobile phones

The demand in FSI FIIO: 2009122555/031144 from 15.06.2009

As soon as the citizen reaches the legal age (which is different from country to country), along with the passport he should be given a mobile phone. It concerns, of course, those categories of citizens who are proved to be sane and are not deprived of the right to vote.
The device should be given and repaired for free. As an encouragement the device will be allowed to be used for personal purposes as to communicate with friends and get in touch with emergency services.
One can use it for sociological survey as well. It is possible to collect citizens' information as a change in their address, job, place of living and marital status. The list of data for registration can be increased.

To make the work of this technology objective, one should create the website in the Internet where the results of the elections and surveys would be reflected. It's necessary because this way the citizens would be able to check the validity of the results and when the discrepancy between the oficial results and their own observations occur, they should inform the special checking service about it.
The checking service will selectively compare the official results with the choice of the respondents through personal text messaging on the same phone. Upon detection of a discrepancy of the data in the base with the choice of the respondent, the checking service will have the right to authorize investigation.

The database of citizens should be divided into groups, for example:
1. Men and women
2. Children of preschool age
3. Children of elementary school
4. Children of middle school
5. Children of senior school
6. Students, by high schools and vocations
7. Workers, scientists, departmentheads, the jobless, the military, the retired, etc.

Registration of children in the database will be carried out via phones of their parents. At change of a kindergarten, school or a residence address, parents will have to change the data of children. Thus it will be possible to interrogate narrower audience. It will help to obtain the most exact statistical data and, therefore, a more objective opinion.
This technology will allow to get rid of cases of corruption, protectionism and monopolism, if, of course, the opinion of the majority on this or that question initiates re-elections, acceptance, cancelation of laws or their amendments.
Now many sociological surveys are being held for months and even years. Upon introduction of the given technology, their duration will decrease to several days, accuracy, on the contrary, will increase in thousands times.

Even if the tenth part of the population takes part in that kind of program, which is 14 million people, it is clear that there is no other way to make a poll of a such huge audience. 10 % of Russians can master sending text messages from cellular phones. The device can be replaced by any other at the owner's will, only the sim-card remains the same. Unfortunately, not all the regions are covered with mobile connection. In these places justice will be absent for a while.

In my opinion, introduction of the given technology can let each citizen feel oneself the part of the society and influence the improvement of life, find a job faster.

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